
Showing posts from September, 2017

Developing voice for the actor - Tom

                                        vocal health programme                                                                    Strengths                                       Weaknesses  Clarity    Breath control  Articulation Projection   Pace Pitch   Tone of voice  Line delivery    Breath control is one of my weaknesses and I need to work on this because when I'm on stage saying my lines I run out of breath because I don't breathe properly from my diaphragm so I need to practise breathing from the diaphragm. In order to do this i need to follow this step by step process in order to improve. Step 1: I need  to stand feet comfortably apart arms by my side . Step 2: then breathe in for four. Step 3: hold it four four. Step 4: breathe out for four. And then carry this on from four to six to eight to twelve to sixteen to twenty four.  I also practice breathing from the diaphragm  by laying down