Voice and the Actor - Justin

                     Voice and the Actor 

 This term we have started the unit Voice and the Actor and we are focusing on how to develop and use our voice as performers effectively. we have started to look at various definitions of vocal terminology such as;projection, clarity,articulators,articulation and pitch and how these areas help in the development of effective use of voice. for example;

 Projection; Is when someone’s voice is clear and loud enough that everyone watching can hear it. 
 Clarity;Is when you are able to communicate the words and sounds clearly in a performance.
Articulators; Are  the tongue, the lips, the jaw, the teeth and the palate.

Articulation;The way we pronounce our vowels and consonant sounds to ensure a live audience can understand what is being said.
Pitch; How high or low your voice is when speaking.

when beginning the voice work out in class, i would initially describe my voice as strong because i could project my voice clearly and and the tone in my voice was clear to understand the emotions i was feeling whilst acting. However when working on our melodrama script, the areas i identified that needed to be developed was my Breath control this is how i am  able to have enough breath to deliver lines. At this very moment i think my strength is my pitch because i am able to vary the differences in my voice to show how the character is feeling.
i would describe my Melodrama character voice as innocent , sweet and soft and its different to my voice because my voice is loud and husky. 


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