Einez dance Evaluation.

Unit 50: Movement in Performance – Evaluation

1. What was the stimulus for the piece?
Ans; the stimulus of the piece is to show how drug addicts feel with the withdrawal syndrome through dance and use of space and dynamics.

2. Explain your character or role within the piece and what you were trying to convey to the audience?

Ans; my role in the dance piece is to be one of the addicts who also have withdrawal syndrome and I have to show this through my face and body language in order to make it more effective and real.

3. What physical skills did you use in the performance?

Ans; Dynamics was one of the physical skills we used in the dance piece to show the qualities of speed, energy and sharpness and  the combination of contrast in order to produce rhythm and phrasing .

4. Explain how you used your performance and interpretive skills in the piece?

Ans; I used my body language and facial expression in this piece in order to interpret the dance piece clearly to the audience.
I also watched videos about drug addicts and withdrawal symptoms in order to understand how they really feel. The videos I watched were;

5. What were your strengths and weaknesses?

Ans;In the piece my strengths were;
·         Having a character.
·         Facial expression.
·         Body language.
·         Using the ensemble to interpret the piece.
·         Being persistent.
·         Learning from others.
My weaknesses were;
·         Sometimes experimenting moves in class and confusing my partner.
·         Body posture.
·         Getting the timing right.

6. What would you have done differently? What do you need to do to improve?

Ans; In order to improve this I would add more energy to the piece and be more strong and sharp with the moves.


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