contemporary Theatre Research Task

Image result for postnatal depression

After reading the play Mother Figure i have discovered that Lucy's character might have postnatal depression due to the symptoms of the illness and how it's evidently
linked to her behaviour in the play. (click link to read blog - ) I have also carried out detailed research on postnatal depression in order to deeply understand the emotional perspective of this character(here is a link to a website that talks about all the different types of depression that can affect new mothers - ) ,After researching about post natal depression i read the following case study of someone who also suffered from the illness. ( this helps to understand how the charcter is actually feeling so i can truthfully react to her in a way that wont make it look exaggerated because the style of the play is naturalistic, it makes me understand the way she thinks and this helps me react to her as my character Rosemary.

Image result for postnatal depressionDuring the time period of the play in 1974 people probably didn't know much about postnatal depression so they couldn't help the character Lucy in anyway possible thats why people around her see her as odd, i did more research into how this illness can be treated and i found out very helpful inform on this website -

All this is very helpful in understanding the naturalistic style of the play.


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