improving second to last scene katy

in this lesson we decided to try and extend the second to last scene of our piece where the police were chasing the youths, we had to find a way to move around and use the space in order to communicate the idea of the police hunting the two young people. We wanted to fully experiment and play around with proxemics to show the control and intimidating nature of the police. 

  •  so we decided to use the entire space by making the youth run on stage to the centre stage so that the police can come after them together walking and moving in unison to create suspense and create tension and then we use slow motion to create tension we slowly turned our heads around to look at them and then quickly turn.
  •  then the youth ran away upstage and froze so we the police turned around in canon to go after them then we froze and swapped position to tell them to stop three different times to show the controlling nature of the police.
  • then the youth ran back to centre stage then we all surrounded them to intimidate them and then started to slowly drag the word ' we have reasonable suspicion' and then we ran offstage.

we found moving in unison challenging at times because it wasn't always in sync so in order to solve the problem we decided to give counts to movement, eg when we on stage the first time we move in unison ten steps on stage. 


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