Children theatre companies research

After researching about children's theatre companies I found these ones; 
Image result for blunderbus theatre
·Blunderbus company have been established since 1998 and they have been working for 18 years in a charitable way across across England and oversea. They've had over 200,000 children audience and they employ a small dedicated team of professional actors, puppet makers,musicians,writers and stage designers .They employ people who love working with children and has experience working with at least children age 3 - 7 years old and also someone who is full of energy and is physically fit , someone who can keep smiling even after adversity.
After watching a few videos of their work it has helped understand that you need a lot of positive energy in working with children because as it children's theatre and the kids can get distracted easily, which means the actors have to have a lot of energy on stage so that the kids dont get bored, also they made me understand that asking the children questions which are simple answer questions gets them engaged and it keeps them interested. The use of music and sound effect made it more interesting to watch and there was no gap of silence on stage whilst acting , no long pauses and they always had a smile on their faces when they are happy,
Image result for pied piper theatre
 I found another company  called pied piper, this was found in 1984 by an artistic director called Tina Williams they have been creating plays for children for over 30 years reaching over half a million children in the UK and beyond.
They specialise in new writing for children which are exciting, original and high quality.
After watching the videos they have on youtube i  noticed that there were more of a narrative story telling company, there is a lot is singing and dancing in their play with use of puppetry which made it interesting to watch. they used sound effect to make the play look more realistic.

Tell tale hearts devise and deliver participatory touring theatre productions for primary school children and younger years in schools, theatres and community venues. Combining performance, music , dance, projection , puppetry and interactivity were children can interact with the performers.
they aim to give children a magical and multi sensory world of theatre in different environments ( they are a site specific theatre company) .
They are an international touring theatre company based in west Yorkshire.
After watching the videos about the show they produced i noticed that they believe in making the show fun , they believe in getting the kids involved in the show they give them puppets and task and things to do to get them involved, and after the show they have a free place activity were they invite the kids  to play in the space with the actors . they believe in extending their imagination and creativity in making connections between things from science, maths, language, in order to enhance all areas of learning in a very playful and fun way .

After all of this research on the companies, it gave me an idea of how children theatre is and different ways for us to perform our play in order to keep the kids informed and engaged. talking to them, giving them task to do ,etc ,can help them enjoy and understand the play.


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