Vocal challenge- justin

What potential vocal challenges does random pose ?
I think random post quite a few vocal challenges such as ;
°Pace - how fast you deliver your lines in order to keep the pace going, Deby Tucker Green writes in a fast pace so we have to keep the effects going with the pace of line delivery.
°Clarity- how clearly you deliver your lines- this is very important because in order for us to get the message across to the audience we need to be able to pronounce our words clearly so the audience can understand.
°Line delivery- tone of voice - how u change the tone of voice in order to express emotions through your voice.
°Body language( talking whilst moving)-we need to be able to control our breath whilst moving and talking so what we are saying is clear .
Which vocal area do you feel may be a challenge for you in random? (Explain)
i think the area that may be challenging in random is my vocal clarity.


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