Marketing profile
My vocal talents ..... my voice consist of an Alto singing pitch with a range of accents applied, i am originally from Nigeria so i have an accent and i can do other accents such as American accent, Received pronunciation (RP) and an African accent. I speak other languages such as English, Yoruba, little bit of spanish from my five years spanish lessons in secondary school, little bit of German from taking a German beginners course during my first year of college and i understand Urdu just from watching Bollywood movies. i sing a little and i strive to expand my vocal range so i work on singing other pitch alongside singing Alto pitch. i took part in last years school musical production of Hairspray and i was mainly part of the ensemble which means i was singing and dancing with the ensemble and i was also given the part of louise a mini role to showcase my talent alongside with singing and dancing. My vocal strengths are; Clarity. Breath control. Articulation. Projection. ...