Vocal development evaluation

After working on my vocal weaknesses i research a few more things to do in order to improve them and make them my strength and i found theses exercises and what they do;
Relaxing the jawThis is so important, it creates room in the mouth for the tongue to move freely, which is the part of our mouth that creates the shapes for us to articulate sounds, so it really helps with oral resonance. Try saying “ahhhh” with a tense jaw and then hear the difference when you allow the jaw to drop open. Do this a few times to warm up your jaw and it will help relax it.
Strengthen your tongue. Do exercises such as letting the jaw drop open and pointing out the tongue, touching it to the top lip, bottom lip, top teeth, bottom teeth, top gum ridge behind your top teeth, and the bottom gum ridge behind your bottom teeth, the hard palate and the floor of mouth. Repeat the sequence five times and don’t forget to breathe or make sure that the jaw remains relaxed!

Breathe consciously. Breath is the power behind your voice, but it’s so easy to allow it to become restricted – once in a while we all forget to inhale, perhaps if we’re stressed or shocked. That can lead to shallow, throaty vocal delivery, so try to let the breath drop in deeper and as you breathe out, sense how the stomach muscles contract to help the diaphragm push the air out of the body

Drink water. One of the most easily forgotten points of vocal health is making sure you are well hydrated. Drink at least a couple of litres a day and carry a bottle of water around with you, so you make a real splash while doing any type of voice work.


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