
Showing posts from September, 2016

jackys lesson 3

 For the next two lessons we came back and we all had to tell the stories from the assignment given and then we wrote a letter to the person that was involved in our story and we were told to tell them how we felt on that day and what we wished we could have said. After writing the letter we had to read it to the whole class.  the purpose of that lesson was to help us whilst acting, especially when we have to act scared or sad, we were told to think of a time that we felt like that. e.g. when we have to act sad , we need to think of a time we felt sad and a time that makes us feel sad . this helps us whilst acting because we will look sad and more natural because we were thinking of a time we felt sad so it wouldn't be /look exaggerated.

jacky's lesson 2

For the second lesson we were introduced to Konstantin Stanislavski and his techniques Naturalism and Stanislavski Constantin Stanislavski was a Russian stage actor and director, he  believed in naturalistic performances that were as realistic as possible, and he developed the naturalistic performance technique known as the "Stanislavsky method". Emotion Memory; requires that an actor think of an event from the past in order to regenerate the feelings they experienced at that time. These feelings that have been regenerated are then used in the current acting for example ; As an assignment we were told to think of a time we felt really upset , frightened or angry. And to come back and describe what happened and also where we were,we had to describe the feel, the surrounding , the sound, the time of day etc. We had to give as much detail as possible. this is linked to emotion memory because it will help us explore having to regenerate emotions in order to used them wh...

jacky's lesson

For the first lesson we did a couple of warm up exercises and ice brakers to get to know each other, then we did a couple of characterisation excersies which helped us learn how to characterise. we did a master and servant exercise which helped us understand the difference between having power and not having power. this also helped us understand how the characters were feeling. From that lesson I was able to see the difference between how much energy you had to include in the way you act as being the servant because you had to obey every order made by the master. it would be even better if I gave feedbacks to what others did.

musical theatre part 6

Todays lesson we did the same warm up routine we normally do then we had to sing three different songs as well in order to help us practise holding to our lines whilst singing different parts of a song as an ensemble.  we then all learnt 'our love is here to stay' together as a group , then we all had to sing it as a solo . I wasn't able to sing the first part properly at first because I didn't practise it enough because I  kept stopping when I made a mistake, however when I heard others sing their parts I listened to it and practised sing it , then I was able to get it right. As home work we had to go listen and learn three other jazz songs in order to perform it at the Tuesday night jazz club which will start next week.

musical theatre part 5

we did the same warm up we normally do , then we received a new song to learn. this was a totally different type of song because it was jazz and it is called 'they cant take that away from me' then we had to learn the song which we sang over and over again. we then received another song which we had to go home and learn the melody and that song was called 'our love is here to stay'.

vocal health

For a good vocal health you need to get a lot of sleep, drink plenty of water, and participate in exercise, you also need to make sure that you; Drink plain water to keep your vocal cords moist. Sip water on breaks when singing to moist the vocal cord. When the throat is dry its bad for your vocal health, so you to make sure that you avoid doing these things; Smoking; It dries and irritates the throat. Alcohol; dries the throat. Talking while smoking is very damaging. Caffeine also dries the throat. so avoid it or limit your intake. Never yell or scream in conversation, especially in dry climates. For your voice to work, your voice needs: A power supply; The power for your voice comes from your breath. You talk or sing using the air you breathe out . Your spine supports the air you need when talking or singing. A sound source;  The sound for your voice comes from your vibrating vocal cords. The vocal cords are small bands of muscle inside the la...

musical theatre part 4

After the individual assessment we all sat down and talked about our strengths and weakness and how we could have made the assessment better. then we were given feedback from Tom the musical theatre teacher then he gave us all a melody to sing then we had to sing it by ourselves and he gave us feedback from what we did.  I was able to sing the melody he gave us to sing however I wasn't able to hit the note properly at first because I had a cold and sour throat we was just clearing off. however I did hit the note after clearing my throat .

musical theatre part 3

After practising the song for a few lessons we had our individual assessments which we had a one to one assessment with the teacher tom, we did a few warms ups then we had to sing the song we were practising for the past few lessons which is called seasons of love. before the individual assessments we did a group warm up then we had to wait outside the classroom for our turn or go to the hub and work on the written task given as homework. in my assessment I felt like it was alright , however I could have done better and listened to the notes being played before singing it in order to keep it in tune and also I could have open my mouth wider in order to tune the song and give it a louder pitch. But overall I think the assessment was okay,.

musical theatre part 2

for the next lesson we did the same warm ups and after that we started singing the song we learnt from the music sheet. then we were separated into three music groups upper girls lower girls upper boys I was in the upper girls group and we were taught how to sing our parts, at first I found it hard because I felt like the notes were too high to reach then afterwards I was able to hit the notes. however I wasn't able to stick in my part because there were two other parts being sung so sometimes I end up singing the upper boys part. And we kept on practising and practising for the next few lessons.

musical theatre

on the first day we did a few warm ups as the foundation of what the rest of the lessons are going to be about.  the first warm up we do was the 'nio-wio-nio-wio-wi'  exercise which we do in order to be able to pitch our tone of voice and articulate our words. This also warms up/wake up the muscles in our face. then we do the 'La La - La-la-la-la' exercise which helps us open our lungs and project our voices. then we do the 'popa-cata-peddle' exercise which helped learn to open our mouth as we sing because we sing it really fast and it also warms up our lips . the we do the La-la-la-la   La-la-la  Laaaaaaaaaaa to helps us tune our voice to the right pitch, it also helps us project our voices and it improves how long we can hold the length of the note. And then we were given a music sheet and we were taught how to read it .

Devising-performing arts-blog 1

in the devising classes we started off with the warms up on the first day , which were like the foundation of what the lesson was going to be about. we were also set an assignment for the next lesson to search and learn more about stop and search. the next day we talked about our research and we developed our ideas with the information we found out about. we then wrote down the facts and more useful information from the research in other to use it in the future . we were then split into groups of two teams; the police.         And the young teenager. I was in the young teenager group and we were told to make up two different sentences for the teenager to say   with an action that represents them and what they are saying, we had to use choral movement and speech whilst doing this to represent one body/person. After practising this we then perform it to each other and gave each other feedbacks on what...