jackys lesson 3

 For the next two lessons we came back and we all had to tell the stories from the assignment given and then we wrote a letter to the person that was involved in our story and we were told to tell them how we felt on that day and what we wished we could have said. After writing the letter we had to read it to the whole class.
 the purpose of that lesson was to help us whilst acting, especially when we have to act scared or sad, we were told to think of a time that we felt like that. e.g. when we have to act sad , we need to think of a time we felt sad and a time that makes us feel sad . this helps us whilst acting because we will look sad and more natural because we were thinking of a time we felt sad so it wouldn't be /look exaggerated.


  1. Your evaluations need to be more developed and more personal. What have you learnt about yourself from doing this work, what have you learnt about others? Please also, for my classes , start the blog sheet that I re-issued to the class this week.


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